Friday, December 3, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Care

A big issue in the Senate right now is the debate of whether or not to revoke the bill, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Some say that the bill is homophobic and that it discriminates harshly toward gay soldiers. Others agree that homosexuals in the military can be a distraction for heterosexual troops.

The fact that once a gay soldier is found in the armed forces they are discharged from the military is completely absurd. Someone's sexual preference should not be the deciding factor to determine if they are capable of protecting, and dieing for our freedoms. Many great people of many different ethnicities and sexes have battled for equality for their kind. History has time and time again shown that humans will fight for what they truly believe is right.

Compared to the issues of women suffrage or desegregation of schools, this seems very minimal. Congress should never have let "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" be passed. I have never heard of an account where a gay soldier has committed a crime that a straight soldier wouldn't also commit. The Military should allow homosexuals to participate in warfare just as they let their straight squad mates do.

Some people (Soldiers and civilians) worry that gay troops will cause discomfort in situations of total exposure, such as showering in an open stalled shower. But I ask those people to please show me proof that a homosexual has taken a forceful advantage over a straight person in the shower of a military bunker. It's not like these gay people are there just to get to see other people naked.

A man is a man. A woman is a woman. A soldier is a soldier. Whether or not they are gay or straight, they still have the guts to do what most of us wouldn't even consider.

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