Friday, November 12, 2010

My response to Blake's Editorial

Your opinion is fascinating. You say that there are tons of problems that our congressmen should focus on other than buying more votes from their constituents. That they can spend millions of dollars on useless projects that lead to just a higher national debt. 

I'm kind of on the fence about this issue. On one side, someone could side with you and say that these projects are a total waste of taxpayer money. That a new park or bridge isn't the most prominent problem to fix. But others would say that these spendings are completely needed because they create jobs and make their communities a nicer and more enjoyable place to live. 

Over all your article is very persuasive. If we lived in a world of absolutes, I would take your side on this argument. But there are other options to resolve this dilemma. I think their should be limits on what government funds should be spent on. There should be a set amount of money our representatives are allowed to invest in these projects and that they should show substantial evidence that their spendings are relevant and needed. 

I liked how you used visual aids to enhance the power of your editorial.

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