Friday, October 29, 2010

Murder In America

Each day the United States government allows close to 4,000 innocent lives to be taken within our borders. The motive behind 93% of these deaths is simply so citizens won't be inconvenienced. There is no justice for these victims who have not even yet  been born. It is intolerable to accept this act of violence in society today. The law needs to withdraw its protection from this murderous exploit and make abortion illegal.
Above all else, abortion is murder. The definition of life according to Webster's dictionary is "an organism state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction". Life starts at conception. The United States allows abortion and gives it power with legalization. In Germany in the 1940's Hitler's mass genocide of the Jewish people was also legal. Human compassion and common sense told the allied forces that they needed to protect the sanctity of life and hold these Germans accountable for their treacherous deeds. They declared that the Nazis performed an illegal act accordance to a higher law. Using the same logic, the mass murder of babies every year in the United States is a crime against humanity and can also be held up to this higher law.
Abortion isn't an acceptable solution for a woman who doesn't want a child. There are numerous very simple and obvious options. The first most convenient and logical alternative is to use a contraceptive. There is an incredible amount of variety in contraceptives so there is no denying that one can be found to suit every lifestyle. The fact that woman unprepared to be mothers have unprotected sex is an outcome of pure laziness. Janet Smith of says "One reason for their careless use of contraceptives is precisely their desire to engage in meaningful sexual activity rather than in meaningless sexual activity." An increase in funding under Title X, raising the taxpayers' tab to $700 MILLION in direct funding for abortion providers like Planned Parenthood in 2008 alone. A woman needs to pay for her contraceptives so Americans don't have to pay for her abortion.
Abortion is a horrible deed. It is murder. How can America, the supposedly most civilized nation in the world allow it to happen. Legislative action needs to occur to make abortion illegal and save the lives of America's innocent children.

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