Friday, October 15, 2010

Greed vs. California Law

Greed stricken oil companies want California to amend their laws so they won't have to purchase expensive clean energy equipment. Thomas Friedman of The New York Times strongly sides with California's stand against the oil tyrants.
Friedman quotes Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger saying "It is very clear that the oil companies from outside the state that are trying to take out our A.B. 32 (an act designed to revert California's air pollution back to the levels it was at in 1990), and trying to take out our environmental laws, have no interest in suspending it, but just to get rid of it.”
The author goes on to talk about how the oil companies are trying to create the public image that they will create more jobs with their new policies. They also go on to state that never before has California seen an unemployment rate below 5.5%. Friedman thinks that they intend to kill the environmental acts California set in place or they never would have mentioned that unemployment was so low.
The people who invested billions of dollars into this clean climate act are very outraged as well. It was only being tested in California to see how it would work for the whole country, but oil companies want it stopped before it reaches that. 
This article is well structured and aimed at the right target, and uses some very powerful quotes from some very important people. I agree totally with Mr. Friedman's arguement. Greed should never be allowed to come before the common good of a nation.

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