Friday, December 10, 2010

After reading Misti's editorial at it inspired me to research how our nation is dealing with tax cuts. Her very informative words clearly state that republicans are pushing for tax cuts for the wealthier (250,000$ per year in net profits) citizens of our country. I really liked how to she describes the demographics of each party.

After reviewing some news sources online, I found that her opinion is very one sided. At one news site I discovered that Obama plans to continue the current tax cuts that President Bush set into motion, but he won't include the wealthier citizens. Basically Obama says his revision of the tax breaks will help everyone that makes less than 250,000$ a year. Republicans are simply pushing to keep things the way they are.

The current income tax rates for someone making about 250,000$ dollars a year are 33%. For someone making 80,000$ a year they are only 25%. You can plainly see they are already paying a great deal more in taxes, and Obama wants them to fork over even more of their hard earned money.

Overall I thought this was a solid editorial, and it had me believing that the upper class should pay more taxes. After finding out how much they already pay in taxes, i believe they shouldn't be subject to "If you can pay more, you should."

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