Friday, September 17, 2010

An Issue Covered in Weeds

I found an interesting article on that talks about a very real possibility that marijuana may become legalized. The reporter stated that our relaxed views toward illegal drugs have caused a rise to occur in usage. Eric Voth, a physician who chairs the Institute on Global Drug Policy, says that drug use comes and goes in patterns. That this all was expected to come back around full circle again. He also goes onto say that, "It's way beyond legalizing. The medical excuse opened the door."
Another good point the author brings up is that California has a proposition that will be voted on in November.
Proposition 19 will completely legalize marijuana for recreation use as well as medical. If it is passed, many Republicans will be pressuring president Obama for Federal response.
I had no idea 14 states had already legalized weed for medicinal use. The article as a whole is very informative.